The Filaments. Look To The Skies

This has been out for two months now and I know it forwards and backwards and inside out. There isn't enough political music these days that I actually want to listen to. I don't know if apathy just reigns supreme at the moment and everyone has given up writing songs. (Don't get me wrong, there is some great stuff going on, ONSIND just recently released a new album.)

Look To The Skies is a fantastic blast of politically charged, articulate punk rock that should resonate with every left wing Clash fan in the UK today. Some of the lyrics are a painfully potent reminder that all is not lost yet. If you have any fight left in you, these are the days you need to be aware, get informed and act accordingly.

Ask No Favours

Some break, some buckle 
But some can’t be tamed 
The might of the British Empire 
Would soon know his name 
With each broken bank vault, his reputation grew 
Never knew how to bow to the lecherous few 
In the tunnels of New York 
His voice echoes far 
Where speaking for labour 
Can find you behind bars 
He roared in defiance 
“The Judge can drop dead in his robes” 
Contempt for the court didn’t even come close 

Justice thunders 
Arise as one all workers 
No more tradition’s chains will bind us 
As we claim what's owed us 
Ask no favours 
Of condescending saviours 
Too long they've fed upon our flesh 
Smothered us for breath 

Colombian oil pays the 16th Brigade 
Who wage war upon the locals 
Like wolves to their prey 
They kidnap and murder, bury in unmarked graves 
A six feet ditch as a warning you don't cause no waves 
They call it ‘quitarle agua al pez' 
They lurk in the euphemism 
These bringers of death 
Where life’s only value is how much you make for the boss 
You don’t keep in line, you won't be no loss 

They offer the yellow, no room for the red 
The power and money, have too long been in bed 
They sanction the torture and more, 
By murder their blood money made 
The profits roll in, as memories fade

Go have a listen at
