T Bare McClough

I talk about British psychedelia a fair bit, but that might be projection considering I'm British and like psychedelia. Mind you, I fucking hate nationalism and detest national pride so maybe being British is a moot point. Anyway, if I had to point you at only one artist who encapsulates the British Psychedelic vibe then its T Bare McClough

T Bare McClough is another artist that I know nothing about other than the hundreds of paintings I've poured over on Facebook. In the work I see equal measures of Hockney and Jim Woodring. McClough takes seemingly mundane scenes and breathes a beautiful acidic mysticism life into them.

One thing that irritates me about gritty British artists is when they force a drab interpretation of British life. I guess this can be said of any country but I spend most my time in the North of England. I hate seeing artists invest too much time into showing how much we suffer for the little things. Those artists are playing with the actual mechanics of how we perceive reality and they want to smother all life out of our living experiences. Fuck that. When I saw T Bare McClough's rabbit listening to a radio outside a fabric greenhouse it brought me straight back to the times when everything around me becomes pregnant with life. A form of animism I suppose. T Bare McClough's paintings are closer to my experience of life than most of my own drawings are.

T Bare McClough's portraits can rival Grayson Perry's in terms of exploding with character and stories. They seemingly map out a place in the universe that the subject exists, either physically or existentially.

Perhaps I'm projecting my own ideas into T Bare McClough. I see form exploding out of the chaos of the cosmos. The process of the human brain mechanically turning the primordial ooze into a loved ones face.

Go have a look at thousands of paintings at https://www.facebook.com/tbaremcclough/
