
If every band that Pogger has drawn for were to disappear I swear music would die. A few years back, roughly 2013 or 2014, Pogger was based in Leeds and his illustrations were everywhere in the DIY punk and grindcore scene there. Most notably perhaps was his work for The Afternoon Gentlemen, arguably one of the most competent and vicious grind bands in the world. You couldn't go to an underground gig without seeing one of his pieces somewhere. A backpatch, or flyer, or t-shirt, or sticker, lp covers or graffiti. He was everywhere with his gross monstrous creatures.
I remember once standing at a crusty festival in Wales. There were cider punks with his tshirts and patches everywhere. I realised that most of the people wearing Pogger's stuff looked like misshapen Pogger monsters themselves. Literally thousands upon thousands of illustrators attempt this style but Pogger is one of the few who pulls it off leaving hip teenage shit behind. I think the reason for this is that it engages with physical reality. Poggers creations travel on their own through the scene and when the crust punks turn into carictures, they turn into Pogger monsters.

Every time Pogger draws his squalid and grotesque universe expands and swallows more fools into its yawning maw. Don't look these things in the eyes for too long, they'll warp you inside out into a xeroxed Cronenberg monster hellbent on fastcore and polish lager.

Go see more at



or at any grindcore gig.
