Horsebastard / Ape Unit split

Right, I know it's not a pissing contest but the Horse Bastard side is probably the loudest noise I've ever heard come off a seven inch. Bloody hell, its an absolute assault and a half. I've been memorized by Horse Bastard for a few years now. They boasts one of the most impressive drummers in the UK and write guitar riffs that keep me glued to the stereo. Also clearly one of the fastest bands in the universe, but I don't know if anyones keeping track, not being a pissing contest in all, but if it were, Horse Bastard would win. The Ape Unit side does actually give Horse Bastard a run for their money. This release is a well paired quirky fastcore assault. It will definitely be the soundtrack I'll choose to have playing if I ever choose to drop acid and mow down some circus clowns with a machine gun.

The cover art is a thing of beauty. I like the subtle way that the Ape looks like its trying to figure out if the horse is also part of his imagination or if everything is actually occuring. If the bong isn't actually screaming out, then perhaps maybe the shoe isn't even attached to the horse. Maybe the burger is completely dead, not just a dying tiny man. So many levels to ponder about man.

Go have a listen
