Ralph STEADman

Been reading one of Steadman's books recently. Between the eyes. The way he's put the book together is similar to what I would of hoped mine reads a bit like. A collection of illustrations and various stories and observations. His are more fantastic, and probably actually all happened, than mine. I'd love to be able to capture his spirit. His illustrations are so crooked and full of life. His humour is like a knife constantly twisting in a hip bone. Everything is so violently autonomous. I dare say that his work would also count as .stream of consciousness. In videos of him working he never seems to plan anything. He'll throw some ink down and turn it into whatever he sees.  He said he's never penciled an idea in.

After lettering envy get the best of me I broke out the dip pens again and tried to attack the paper like Steadman. I just can't bring myself to do it and look like anything I'd want to look at twice. Art like his has to be left to him. There can only be one person doing that. I guess if you attempt it but rob it of its unique attitude then it will look like a poorly drawn Modern Toss cartoon. Don't get me wrong. I like those Modern Toss cartoons, but I never have the urge to revisit them like Steadman.

When I was more ignorant of Steadman I felt like I would probably only know him due to his connection with Hunter S Thompson. This is nonsense. He's been a British staple of satire for decades now. Bet there's thousands of satire artists I'm missing out on because they haven't been attached to a counter culture icon.
