Prolefeed "The Mass Forfeiture of Collective Responsibility"

ITS OUT! Bloody hell this has a been a long time coming. Half the band forgot we recorded this and we've had a new drummer since then. I've actually been sitting on some of these for a few weeks. Long story short, the LP's were divided between 5 boxes. One was delivered and the other four were lost. I spent a couple soulcrushing weeks tracing down the boxes to a transit van in Washington.

This record was in a way my first big spend as an artist. Probably about a year ago I was listening to an interview with Larry Livermore, the founder of Lookout! Records. I've always loved Lookout! Livermore said he funded most of his releases by selling skunk. If he knew he needed to press a bands record he'd sell some of his crop. In a way it was a bit like making something from nothing. I'm not ballsy enough to grow skunk let alone sell it, so my hopes of generating something from nothing were somewhat dashed. A few days after hearing the interview I had a brainwave to start charging for the illustrations I was doing instead of working for free. Each time I sold something I kept the money aside in a box I called "The Arts Fund." After a few months I had enough to press the record. Then the Uk voted to leave the EU and the pound fell stark. We were pressing the record in Germany and I needed to find another £300 to cover the difference between pound and euro. I just sold more illustrations. Something from nothing.

The trouble with charging for art is I found it impossible to set a sensible price, and once I had all the money I needed I found I'd be cheating past clients if I went back to working for free. Don't get me wrong, there's a list of folk who will always get freebies off me and some projects I'm willing to work for nothing on, but the majority of the time I now feel I oughta mention a figure just to keep it kosher.

Anyway, I'm getting away from the point. This record I put hundreds of hours work into and paid for through art finally exists. I've had it for a few weeks now and still get a buzz everytime I see it. Proud is an understatement.
